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Use of the Dayco Ammo website constitutes agreement to our terms of use. We encourage you to review the following information carefully.
- I am not an unlawful user or addicted to any controlled substance.
- By selling or delivering ammunition to me, Dayco Ammo is not violating any state or local law or ordinance.
- I have never been and I am not expected to be convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
- I am not under indictment for and have never been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for over one year.
- I am not a fugitive from justice.
- I am currently not subject to a restraining order of any kind.
- I have not been adjudicated as a mental defective and I have not been committed to any mental institution.
- I am not an illegal or unlawful alien.
- I have never been and I am not expected to be discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions.
- I am not currently less than twenty-one (21) years old.
- I have not renounced my U.S. citizenship.
I will not request that Dayco Ammo ship prohibited packages outside the lower forty-eight states of the United States or to Massachusetts, Chicago, New York , or any other area that is prohibited by federal, state, or local law. Dayco Ammo does not ship to California Colorado Connecticut Delaware New Jersey New York .
I fully agree that if any of my representations when making purchases under the Terms of Sale are incorrect or if I fail to comply with these Terms of Sale, then I will indemnify, defend, save harmless, and release .com and its owners, agents, officers, and employees against any civil liability or criminal prosecution resulting from my purchase from Dayco Ammo.
I fully agree that by placing my order, I release Dayco Ammo from any and all liability arising from or related to the products I purchased from Dayco Ammo, including (but not limited to) my or anyone else use of the product, my or anyone else’s storage of the product, and my or anyone else’s handling or transportation of the product, and I agree to indemnify, defend, save harmless, and releaseDayco Ammo and its owners, agents, officers, and employees against any civil liability or criminal prosecution resulting from the products I purchased from Dayco Ammo.
You expressly agree that any dispute resolution proceedings, including but not limited to, litigation, arbitration, and mediation, will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, consolidated, or representative action. By making this express agreement, you acknowledge and affirm that this is a knowing, voluntary, and permanent waiver of any right to bring federal, state, or local claims as any part of, or on behalf of, any class or any other individuals, before a court or other tribunal.
Shipping is a flat rate charge through the most appropriate shipping source (USPS, UPS, FED-EX). All shipments can be expected within 15 days unless the item is out of stock or back ordered.